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Đảng ủy, HĐND, UBND,UBMTTQ Việt Nam phường đi thăm các trường học trên địa bàn phường nhân Ngày Nhà giáo Việt Nam 20/11
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Summary of the implementation of poverty reduction in the province

​The Provincial People's Committee has just issued a Plan to summarize the implementation of poverty reduction in the province.

The objective is to evaluate comprehensively, overall the results and impacts of Resolution No. 76/2014 / QH13, Resolution No. 30a / 2008 / NQ-CP, Resolution No. 80 / NQ-CP, Decision No. 1722 / QD-TTg.

They focus on assessing the achieved results against the set progress, objectives, targets and tasks , the positive and the negative sides, the causes and lessons learned from the implementation of the National Target Program on sustainable poverty reduction.

The province will propose the main principles, guidelines, mechanisms, policies and solutions for the implementation of national policies and programs of sustainable poverty reduction in the 2021-2025 period and orientations to 2030.
